This crossover image shows a popular vampire hunting a high-school girl, two brothers who are regularly haunted by the supernatural, a grim and hea...
View full detailsIt's not the games themselves that lead to potential violent outbursts among players... it's bad internet connections and high pings!
Have you ever wondered why the small monsters from Pokémon, Digimon and similar series allow their trainers to exploit them in dangerous arena batt...
View full detailsPlanning a wedding can be a real nightmare: the right location, good catering, a conflict-free seating order – all of this can drive even the most ...
View full detailsThe Society for Physics needs your help! You are certainly familiar with Schrödinger's famous thought experiment: essentially, it is about extendin...
View full detailsThis product is only available in German.
"Toot Toot, here comes the WAYNEtrain taking your story to the WHATEVERest because nobody cares...
During the pandemic, we learned more about viruses than we ever wanted to know! The little beasts are – just like bacteria, by the way – quite the ...
View full detailsThere're those tricky situations when you have to ask yourself what would one of your heroes do? Only, heroes can be a bit boring and predicta...
View full detailsYou've come to a crossroads in life, a quandary... And you might ask, "What would Jesus do?" The answer might be all about saving the world or cool...
View full detailsLet's be honest, nobody likes to lose. Whether it's a board game, a video game or just an argument. Especially, when you've spent minutes verbally ...
View full detailsBy buying this Whistleblower T-shirt, you can also help [[Whistleblower Netzwerk e.V|]] because we will give 5G...
View full detailsWhen the borgs had known that it would have been so easy.
Fun fact: The Windows XP operating system was the first to use product activation keys to reduce software piracy. An activation by phone or online ...
View full detailsSomeone has to say it so clearly :)
According to several strategists from history, no plan will survive contact with the enemy. To a certain degree, this principle also applies to the...
View full detailsWhat the f*ck?
"You are dumb" in binary ASCII-code.The right answer to all DAU questions (including the one on what's written on your T-shirt): You are dumb! ;-)
Imagine arriving at the office, sitting down at your desk in order to do all the important bug fixes , whilst sipping your coffee... when all of t...
View full detailsUgh! You've overcome your inhibitions and [[left the house|">]]And now this happens.....
View full detailsWho knew that two small words could make a seasoned programmer sweat and shiver in fear? Simply utter "syntax error" to reduce anyone who works in ...
View full detailsGandalf said it to the Balrog in 'The Lord of the Rings', while the Black Knight said it to King Arthur in 'Monty Python and the Hol...
View full detailsYOU - SHALL - NOT - PASS! Gandalf taught us we should be really afraid of Balrogs and flee as fast as possible instead of gaping in astonishment. O...
View full detailsIf you've always wondered what an alien would think of Earth if it accidentally landed here - the Your planet sucks! T-shirt provides the answer. W...
View full detailsWhy aren't there cool messages in real life like in every role-playing game when you've improved your skills?