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Graphics Outside

€22,95 EUR
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Description Graphics Outside

The so-called reality, the outside, also offline, is well-rendered but still mostly quite boring. Sure, you can actually touch everything, but as soon as you let new items disappear into your backpack, there are quite a few problems. Not to mention car theft, chest cracking, or sword swinging. Angry flesh-and-blood people are already too real. So what to do with all the high-resolution, detailed streets, meadows, buses, and fellow humans? You can't really do much more than enjoy the view, and then there's that nasty aspect of smell, which we're spared in virtual worlds...

At least you survived your trip into the real world and are now safely back in front of the screen, ready to surf a bit on If you want to tell the few real people who get to see you about your adventure, it's best to choose the message via shirt. Remember: while you can usually do without pants, the T-shirt is visible over the webcam.

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