Description Phantom Keystroker V2
The Phantom Keystroker is the latest gadget in office warfare and will decisively improve your attack position: As inconspicuous as a USB stick, you can use it to sabotage your unsuspecting victim's mouse and keyboard controls. Great fun if you can watch from a safe distance ;)
With three switches, you can decide how you want to drive your victims crazy before you use it:
- Caps Lock ensures that the caps lock function is automatically activated and that upper and lower case letters are mixed up. If the user fixes the problem, it will occur again at the next interval.
- Keyboard lets the computer type on its own. The funny thing about this is that it does not produce meaningless columns of characters, but rather sentences such as 1337, Pi including a few decimal places or even a bizarre monologue by the computer, which feels lonely and sounds a little more threatening with every sentence (Note: The Phantom Keystroker is designed for an English keyboard layout. On a German keyboard, Z and Y are therefore reversed. However, the texts are still easy to read).
- Mouse Causes the mouse pointer to tremble independently in a certain direction.
The Phantom Keystroker is compatible with all operating systems. According to the instructions, there may be problems with some Linux OS configurations, but we have not been able to reproduce anything like this in our tests. It can also happen that some computers are miraculously cured after a restart and the Phantom Keystroker has to be briefly removed and plugged back in so that it can resume its disruptive work. In addition, some wireless mice are said to cause problems after a restart while the Phantom Keystroker is still plugged in. But we don't really see this as a problem, but as another feature ;)
In short: this is the ultimate gadget to give a new direction to smaller or larger "office skirmishes", to play a really innovative prank on friends and acquaintances or even to give the not-so-computer-savvy parents a huge shock. Of course, the Phantom Keystroker is expressly not suitable for use on computers where sensitive work is being carried out or where a supervisor without a sense of humor is sitting ;)
This product text, for example, was written when all three jamming functions were activated. It took 4 days to finish it.